
The Effect of MSG in Fast Food, Kentucky Fried Chicken

The story of how Colonel Sanders built his Kentucky Fried Chicken empire is one of both triumph and tragedy.

Natural Weight Loss: Lose Weight With Water

Natural Weight Loss: Lose Weight Drinking Water

Everywhere you turn, it seems like some new health expert or another is telling you yet again to drink water – but why?

Negative Effects of Alcohol on the Body: Alcohol and Weight Gain

There has been a good amount of research over the last few years about the benefits of red wine and safe limits for alcohol consumption, but what are the effects of alcohol when you’re trying to diet?

Food Allergies and Weight Gain: Food Addictions and Cravings

Food Allergies and Weight Gain

Do you crave pizza? Ice cream? Potato chips and chocolate? Do you crave these foods seemingly out of the blue, for no reason you can put your finger on? Here’s some food for thought: Food allergies very often cause intense cravings for the foods that your body is reacting badly to. In fact, food allergies can go hand in hand with food addiction and cravings and weight gain.

Causes of Weight Gain: Depression

Depression as a Cause of Weight Gain

Depression has been associated with both weight gain and weight loss. It often is a matter of degree; when people are mild to moderately depressed, they tend to eat more. This includes eating for comfort, and eating as a displacement activity – something to do when they are avoiding something that causes them pain. Some people refer to this as "stress eating." Causes of weight gain can be depression. Here's a look at how depression affects your eating habits.

Agave Sweetener: The Shocking Truth

Here is the shocking truth about agave syrup sweetener: The following information was taken from an unpublished article by Rami Nagel, sent to me by Food Chemist Dr. Russ Bianchi.

In the quest to find a substitute for sugar that is natural and healthy, agave nectar and agave syrup have become extremely popular. These sweeteners are advertised as "diabetic friendly," raw, and a "100% natural sweetener."  Yet they are none of these.

Dr. Kendra Pearsall's Weight Loss Story

I was once overweight with an out of control addiction to food—especially sugar. And now that I’ve made peace with food and I coach people on how to achieve a healthy weight. Although my personal struggle with my weight and compulsive overeating is not something I’m anxious to share with the whole world, I think it’s important to share with you that if I can overcome my obstacles to optimal weight and health, you can too. 

Weight Loss At Work

Weight Loss At Work

You’ve seen it time and time again. There’s another birthday with another sheet cake being celebrated at the office. The boss brings in doughnuts and puts them in the office kitchen or break room. Company representatives bring in sweet sticky buns and breakfast pastries dripping in sugar-laden icing. Today’s office culture is bombarded with foods loaded in empty calories and fat. Here are ten great ways you can avoid the pitfalls of office culture and actually experience weight loss at work. 

10 Causes of Weight Gain in Women

Does sleep deprivation help cause obesity? Causes of obesity were covered in  anananananaaaaaaazaaaaaaanananananananaananananan article in the The Times entitled "Too fat - but is it my fault?" and covered the the more obscure reasons for our obesity epidemic according to researchers at Yale, Cornell and Johns Hopkins. Some of the items on the list may come as a shock. Some of these reason can explain the mystery behind why there has been such a sharp increase weight gain in women and men over the past few decades.

Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy and Joint Inflammation


Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy and Joint Inflammation

If you or someone you know, suffer from inflammation or immune problems then please read this article. This discussion is about a product called Wobenzym that has a positive use history in over 100 million people worldwide. This natural supplement is one of the most often prescribed supplements for inflammatory conditions. Wobenzym is a supplement that uses a proprietary method of stabilizing high potency enzymes that can have an amazing therapeutic effect on the body.

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