Dr. Pearsall Recommends These Hypnosis Downloads For Any Condition

Hypnosis is one the most effective therapies I have ever used in my clinical weight loss practice. I highly recommend that you peruse this list of hypnosis downloads for any issue you are struggling with. The company that creates them is outstanding and I have taken their hypnosis training courses. The cost of one session with a hypnotherapist can be $75-$300 and you can get the same results for only a few dollars a download and you can listen to them daily for as long as you need to. These downloads also come with a money-back guarantee. --Dr. Kendra Pearsall, Weight Loss Doctor  


  MP3 Hypnotism sessions  
Self Improvement

Building Self Confidence
Building Self Esteem
Be Yourself Socially
Overcoming Shyness
Develop Optimism
Cool Down Blushing
Assertiveness Training
Saying No
Stay Calm with THAT Person
Feel Attractive Now
Overcome Insecurity
Stop Negative Thoughts
Conversation Starter
Get Out Your Own Way
Perfect Your Body
What People Think
Stage Nerves
Confidence Builder 2
Less Television
Cure Self Hate
Do you Worry a Lot?
Don't Be A Victim
Don't be Embarrassed
Eat Out Comfortably
Your Needs First
Dealing with Peer Pressure
Think More Positively
Shy when Naked
How to Accept Yourself
Impulse Control
Performance Anxiety Musicians
Stop Cursing
Increase Happiness
Think The Best
Stop Crying at Work
Inferiority Complex
Learn with Confidence
Patience, Patience
Overcome Selfishness
You're Smarter Than That
Get Over Old Issues
Filling Nervous Silences
Self Conscious
Know Yourself
Stop Blaming Yourself
Stop Apologizing
Stop Gossiping
Stop Comparing Yourself
Stop Being Too Nice
Stop Magical Thinking
Other Peoples' Fault?
Emotional Stability
Speak Out!
Stick to Your Guns
Nervous Laughter
Be Less Irritable
Decide Now!
Stop Judging by Appearances
Let Frustration Go
Weight Loss - Eat Healthy
Exercise Motivation
Healing Power
Quit Smoking - Stay Stopped
Get Rid of Migraines
Tension Headaches
Beat Cannabis Dependence
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Overcome Chocolate Addiction
Get Rid of Warts
Stop Grinding your Teeth
Hangover Cure
Lower Blood Pressure
Drink Less Coffee
Reduce Morning Sickness Symptoms
Hot Flushes
Gain Weight
Healthy Lips
Great Posture
Improve Circulation
Treat Tinnitus
Facelift - No Surgery
Excessive Sweating
Natural Healing
Age with Zest
Fear of Surgery
Live Longer
Change of Life
Cure Hayfever
Facial Tics
No More Sucking
Skin Condition
Chronic Fatigue
Breathe Easier
8 Glasses a Day
Stop Drinking Soda
Terminall Ill Care
Go to the Gym!
Jet Lag
Eat Slow
Stop Picking Your Nose
MRI Scan Nerves
Salt Intake
Travel Sickness
Get Moving!
Managing Diabetes
Enjoy Breastfeeding
Cure Reynauds Disease
Eat Smaller Meals
Relieving Constipation
Ease Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
Stop Squeezing Spots
Get On Your Feet!
Coming Off Depression Drugs
Stop Essential Tremor
Stop Using Smokeless Tobacco
Pregnant and Proud
Increase Infection Resistance
Psoriasis Soother
Personal Development

Interview Anxiety
Self Motivation Booster
Public Speaking Confidence
Improving Concentration and Focus
Creativity Booster
Increase Emotional Intelligence
Achieve Your Potential
Overcoming Procrastination
Motivation At Work
Believe in Yourself
Best Man Speech
Creative Thinking Strategy
Speaking Foreign Languages
Rich Thinking
Making Decisions
Personal Improvement
Money Saver
Enjoy Motherhood
How to Ask for a Raise
Boost Willpower
Increase Self Discipline
Meeting Nerves?
Bad Boss?
Wake Up Quickly
Reach Your Goals
Clean the House Happily
Handling the Critic
Seize The Day
Call with Confidence
Life and Soul
Promoting Yourself
Exam Preparation
Be Funnier
Lone Parent?
Time Management
Inner Power
Starting New Job
Drive to Succeed
More Manly
Be More Feminine
Find a New Job
Patient Parent
Enjoy Dancing
Improve Learning
Be Luckier
Release Creativity
Lead from the Front
Be More Intuitive
Increase Sympathy
Learn an Instrument
Keep on Track
Don't Be Late
Confident Retirement
Trade Calmly
Recall Names
The Hypnosis Habit
Be Competitive
Get Published
Find Who Your Really Are
Quicker on the Keyboard
Return to Work
Back to School
Retain Read Information
Complete Your Goals
Read and Retain
Experiment A Little!
Increase Emotional Resilience
How to Accept Compliments
New Dad
Quick Rapport
Spell Well
Obstacles Into Opportunity
Your Life's Meaning
Negative People
Discover Your Passion
Team Player
Improve Tolerance
Improve Objectivity
Writing Songs
Teach with Confidence
Expand Your Comfort Zone
More Books
The Gratitude Attitude
Focus in Class
Say What you Think
Personally Courageous
Write A Book
Keep Going!
Business Promotion Motivation
Expect The Best
Work Those Papers!

Weight Loss

Think Yourself Thin
Super Slim Me
Stop TV Eating
Emotional Eating
Boredom Eating
Stop Binge Eating
Sweet Tooth
Healthy Food
Stop Comfort Eating
No More Fast Food
Weight Loss Motivation
Stop Snacking
Relief from Pain

Pain Management
Lessen Pain
Relieve Knee Pain
Hip Pain
Childbirth Hypnosis
Phantom Pain
Fibromyalgia Pain
Myofascial Pain

Dental Anaesthesia
Hand Numbness
Your Hand Lifts!
Arm Catalepsy
Confident Hypnotherapist
Increase Hypnosis Skills

Independence in Relationships
Insecurity in Relationships
Fear of Commitment
Spark Your Relationship
Get Over a Relationship
Dating Confidence
Approaching Women
Meeting People Made Easy
Sexual Enhancement - Male
Sexual Enhancement - Female
Unreturned Love
Relax with Men you Like
Good-Looking Women
Flirt With Confidence
Be Popular
Get Over Divorce
Ending a Relationship
Enhance Female Libido
Enhance Male Libido
Speed Dating - Men
Speed Dating - Women
Problems Ejaculating?
Love Others Happily
Hurt Before?
Newly Single?
Relationship Self-Respect
Save Your Marriage
One Partner Only!
Active Listening
Abusive Relationships
Socially Integrated
Stop Choosing Mr Wrong
Survive Infidelity
Making Small Talk
New Parent
Be Approachable
New Step Parent
Assertive Parenting
Fear of Abandonment
Recover Your Trust
Bad First Impression
Be More Social
Stop Being Unfaithful
Siblings Fighting
Dealing with an Empty Nest
Make More Contacts
Let Divorce Go
Parents - Feel Guilty?
Fears and Phobias

Fear of Rejection
Fear of Confrontation
Fear of Failure
Stop Panic Attacks
Fear of Flying
Fear of Elevators
Unfamiliar Surroundings
Social Phobia
Fear of Dentists
Overcome Fear & Anxiety
Fear of Heights
Driving Test
Exam Nerves
Cure Bird Phobia
Overcome Fear of Hospitals
Cure Fear of Needles
Cure Spider Phobia
Fear of Driving
Fear of Success
Cure Snake Phobia
Driving over Bridges
Water Phobia
Afraid of the Dark
Enclosed Spaces
Overcoming Claustrophobia
Wedding Anxiety
Can't Perform?
Anxiety about Sex
Fear of Being Alone
Relax with Dogs
Death Phobia
Fear of Others Vomit
Fear of the Phone
Relax with a Changing Life
Calm with Authority
Fear of Going Crazy
Heart Panic
Having To Be Near a Bathroom
Fear of Aging
Overcome Paranoia
Fear of General Anesthesia
Leaving Home
Overcome Fear of Technology
Anxious in Crowds?
MD Anxiety

Sports Psychology

Mental Toughness
Fast off the Blocks
Golf - Playing Hazards
Tee Off with Confidence
Super Swing
Think like a Winner
Pre-Game Nerves
Tennis Serve
Heal Sports Injury
Martial Arts
Ten Pin Pro
Keep Running
Karate Timing
Perfect Freethrows
Run That Half Marathon
Taking Penalties
Depression Treatment

Anger Management
Stop Premature Ejaculation
Dealing with Guilt
Cure Impotence
Stop Nail Biting
Troubled Childhood
Overcoming Hypochondria
Overcome Jealousy
Diminish Alcohol Abuse
Stuttering Therapy
Reduce Road Rage
Wake to a Dry Bed
Insomnia Cure
Writing Unblocker
Compulsive Hair Pulling
Prevent Alcohol Relapse
Midlife Worries
Losing Your Job
Stop Drinking Symptoms
Beat Gambling
Make Sex Easier - Women
Obsessive Thinking
Break down
Addiction to Porn?
Restless Legs Relief
Can't Stop Lying?
Healthy Skin
Eyelash Pulling
Crying Baby
Repeating Nightmare
Control Wine Drinking
Hyper-Sensitivity to Noise
Depressed After Baby?
Compulsive Masturbating
Body Dysmorphia Complex
Stop Obsessive Cleaning
Gag Reflex
Stop Obsessive Checking
Scared Passenger?
Manage Hyperactivity
Internet Addiction
Sex Compulsion
Putting Parent in Nursing Home
Stop Sleepwalking
Gaming Addiction
Stop Harming Yourself
Child Loss Grief
No More Adrenaline!
Overcome Hoarding Syndrome
Heroin Addiction Treatment
Escape the Cult

Stress Management

Energy Booster
Relieve Stress and Tension
Improve Your Mood
Stress Management Training
Beat Burnout
Breathing Technique
Life After Work
Declutter Yourself
Overcome Overwhelm
Awaiting Results Worry
Lighten Up
Addicted to Work?
Being Bullied?
Carer Stress
Failed Your Exams?
Bankrupt? Bounce Back!
Reduce Time Pressure
Stressful Christmas
Live in the Moment
Get Out That Trap!
Always Losing Things?
Relax at Funerals
Moving House Stress


A Healthy Rest
The Four Seasons
A Warm Place
The Island
Get to sleep
Meditate and Relax
Drift off to Sleep
Quick Self Hypnosis
Dreaming of Sleep
Crystal Ball
Deep Sleep of Kids
House of Deep Rest
Meditation Hypnosis
Improve Visualization
Go Back to Sleep
Tranquil Mind
Harmony with Nature
Yoga Nidra
Early to Bed
Talking in your Sleep
Go Into Hypnosis
Beach Relaxation
Power Nap
Relax with the Trees
Meadow Relaxation


About the Author:
Dr. Kendra Pearsall, N.M.D. is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor specializing in natural weight loss and food addiction. She created Enlita.com to help millions of people achieve optimal health, natural weight loss and life success with her free weekly e-newsletter (sign up at the top of this page.)